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Rails 7 adds optional transaction arguments to with_lock

When it comes to concurrency control, there are specifically two mechanisms around it - pessimistic and optimistic locking.

Optimistic locking

The optimistic locking model is a concurrency control technique in which multiple users are allowed to update the same record without informing the users that others are also attempting to update the record. The record changes are validated only when the record is committed. If one user successfully updates the record, the other users attempting to commit their concurrent updates are informed that a conflict exists.

An advantage of the optimistic locking model is that it avoids the overhead of locking a record for the duration of the action. If there are no simultaneous updates, then this model provides fast updates.

Pessimistic locking

The pessimistic locking model prevents simultaneous updates to records. As soon as one user starts to update a record, a lock is placed on it. Other users who attempt to update this record are informed that another user has an update in progress. The other users must wait until the first user has finished committing their changes, thereby releasing the record lock. Only then can another user make changes based on the previous user’s changes.

An advantage of the pessimistic locking model is that it avoids the issue of conflict resolution by preventing conflicts. Updates are serialized and each subsequent update starts with the committed record changes from the previous user.


In Rails ActiveRecord::Locking::Pessimistic provides support for row-level locking using the lock! method wrapped inside a transaction for example:-

If two users press the like button for an article, at the same time then instead of the like_count of that article going up to 2, it will only increment to 1, because both users pressed increment from 0 to 1 at the same time. To fix this we can use lock! wrapped inside a transaction.

{% highlight ruby %} ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do article = Article.find(“00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001”).lock!(“FOR UPDATE NOWAIT”) article.like_count += 1! end {% endhighlight %}

What the code does here is first, it starts a database transaction. Second, it acquires a pessimistic database lock. Once the lock is acquired, the record is reloaded in memory, so that the values on the record match those in the locked database row. The lock will prevent others from reading or writing to that row and anyone else trying to acquire a lock will have to wait for the lock to be released.

Also, we can pass various locking strategies to the lock! method as supported by the underlying Database for example, we used FOR UPDATE NOWAIT on Postgres DB what it means is other transactions that attempt UPDATE, DELETE, or SELECT FOR UPDATE on this row will be blocked until the current transaction ends and suppose another transaction tries to acquire a lock on the same record then it will result in the below error.

/Users/murtazabagwala/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.0.1/gems/activerecord- `exec_params': PG::LockNotAvailable: ERROR:  could not obtain lock on row in relation "articles" (ActiveRecord::LockWaitTimeout)
/Users/murtazabagwala/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.0.1/gems/activerecord- `exec_params': ERROR:  could not obtain lock on row in relation "articles" (PG::LockNotAvailable)


We can make it more concise using with_lock. with_lock does the same thing it creates a transaction and applies a lock on the record under the hood.

  article = Article.find("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001")
  article.with_lock("FOR UPDATE NOWAIT") do
    article.like_count += 1! 

But, before Rails 7 there was no way to specify transaction arguments like isolation, requires_new and joinable to with_lock so, for example before Rails 7 if we had to create the nested transactions we had to use multiple transaction blocks with lock!.


  ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
    article = Article.find("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001").lock!("FOR UPDATE NOWAIT")
    article.like_count += 1! 

    ActiveRecord::Base.transaction(requires_new: true) do
      author =!("FOR UPDATE NOWAIT")
      author.articles_liked += 1! 


After Rails 7 we can use with_lock to create nested transactions and can specify transaction optional arguments like:-

  article = Article.find("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001")

  article.with_lock do
    author =
    article.like_count += 1! 

    # Will create a new transaction called sub-transaction/savepoint.
    # And, in case of error it will rollback to this savepoint and will not rollback parent transaction

    author.with_lock("FOR UPDATE NOWAIT", requires_new: true) do
      author.articles_liked += 1! 

Please refer to this PR.