State Management

State Management

React State management - Part 2

Learn some of the inherent ways of managing state without using any external state management tool.

State Management

Different ways to handle state in React applications

Sometimes, it is better not to use any external state management tool unless our application is that complex. We can avoid complexities involved in state management using some of the inherent ways.

State Management

Normalizing Redux state to ensure good performance in React apps

In complex applications, client apps have to store and manage a large amount of nested data, and if the data is not normalized, it can be incredibly time-consuming for a program to lookup nested data which could become a performance concern.


My experience with Egghead Portfolio Project Club

A couple of months back I had won the full year of free egghead courses in one of the Gatsby contests and one fine day while I was enjoying my free premium access and watching some amazing tutorials on Redux and State Management I came to know about Egghead Portfolio Project Club and I found it interesting because I really believe in learning together. Through this club, I got a chance to meet and learn from some amazing developers from all over the world, and in this post, I would like to describe my experience being a part of this club.
