
Converting Meteor Methods to REST Endpoints

In a recent project, we built an application on top of a legacy application’s APIS. The legacy application was built with MeteorJS, and we chose a MERN stack to extend it. We decided to leverage the existing codebase due to time constraints and wide areas of functional reuse.


Setting up Repository Manager for internal NPM packages

In this post we will see how to setup a Repository Manager for internal NPM packages


How matured your REST APIs are ?

When we say we are creating or consuming REST APIs. Does it really mean a REST ?. So, in this post I would like to describe how we can assess maturity of the REST API.



Lets get deeper into the Rx, the another core key of Rx is the Observables


Lifecycle Management of Reactive Subscriptions

Lets get deeper into the Rx, the another core key of Rx is the Reactive Subscription.


Diving into RX Java

I am back with the another post which aims to introduce a beginner reactive programmer to the complete power of the Java implementation of reactive programming. Basic knowledge of functional programming is needed like (lamdbdas, lazy evaluation) to follow the basics of RxJava, other than this only familiarity with the basics of Java is required..
