Lets get deeper into the Rx, the another core key of Rx is the Reactive Subscription.
ReadNowadays we often hear the term Reactive Programming, Reactive Extensions, RXJava and all the hype around them but you can’t get your head around them or may be you’ve seen it used a few places but you’re still a little confused and would like some clarifications. I’ll try to make this post easy and simple for you.
ReadTwo years back when I started looking into the Functional Programming I came across a word Monad. I really tried hard to understand it but, didn't get succeed. I started asking people and it came like Monad seems to have a very bad reputation in many communities. I heard many times people saying that they are “too complicated” even if they really aren’t inspite of the fact that Monads are one of the most useful and powerful tools we have in functional programming.
ReadNow the time has changed. Verbs have shown their strength, Verbs are set free and people are now realising their powers. But, the question is how such transformation took place in the kingdom where verbs were treated as slave and the Nouns had entirely ousted the Verbs. so, there is a story behind this.